I'm a
little behind in letter writing, there are not that many but I feel awful not keeping up to date with things but I've been so extremely busy lately with not much...if that makes sense. For instance today I
finally went to the optometrist. I've been postponing it for the longest time but I finally dragged myself down and got an eye check and picked out new glasses. I then went to the boys high school to pay for my oldest school fees & year 10 formal, went to the bank to deposit money for the fortnightly mortgage payment. I got home and
tried to finish my last uni assignment but had to reformat the boys laptop as they install whatever they see online and it ends up with millions of viruses. My days are full of these 'nothing muchness'. But I am happy that next week this assignment will get handed in and I can relax for 3 whole months. I do have plans though for my little break, boring ones but plans nonetheless

I doubt many will get done, but fingers crossed a few get crossed off.