Wednesday, July 31

Tuesday, July 30

Monday, July 29

Sunday, July 28

Saturday, July 27

Friday, July 26

Thursday, July 25

Wednesday, July 24

Tuesday, July 23

Monday, July 22

Sunday, July 21

Saturday, July 20

Friday, July 19

Thursday, July 18

Wednesday, July 17

Tuesday, July 16

Sunday, July 14

Day fourteen


my mami made these
a Chilean pumpkin dough that is fried
still the best cook ever ;)

Saturday, July 13

Day Thirteen


an airplane light trail
how lovely it turned out
so different to what I had imagined

Friday, July 12

Day Twelve


I love making cakes
love, love, love

Thursday, July 11

Day Eleven


cause some days you just have to step away from the computer screen

Wednesday, July 10

Day Ten


I was doodling today
a nice, cute hat I would love to own

Tuesday, July 9

Day Nine


my lovely hyacinth is growing
don't know how much it will continue to grow as I keep plucking its pretty flowers

Monday, July 8

Day Eight


the sunset on this day
it would have been nice to enjoy it a little longer
but today was a busy indoors kind of day

Sunday, July 7

Day Seven


things that are good
visitors...and the lovely cakes they bring

Saturday, July 6

Day Six


hairfree :)
for the week at least

Day Fifteen


Friday, July 5

Day 5


it was a kinder surprise kind of day today.
I'm always wondering what to do the chocolate or open the surprise
today, I ate the chocolate first
and this was my toy

Thursday, July 4

Day Four


taken at Eastern Creek, 35 kilometres west of Sydney
one year we came out here with mum to view the fireworks in the city
we barely saw them

Wednesday, July 3

Day Three


sadly, I did a little bit of this today
just 89 days left...not that I'm counting ;)

Tuesday, July 2

Day Two


Sydney was lovely and warm today
and I was lucky to spend more than 2 minutes was amazing!
ah, the simple things are the best


PS my dad laid this concrete and those hand prints are my sisters and brother
mine and older sis is further up
I have no idea when it was done but I'm guessing 1991

Monday, July 1

Day One


so I've decided to do a photo a day for the month of July just as a little challenge
and to possibly feel a little more creative and productive
I sit so long at this chair, hating being chained to it
and my words aren't coming, in fact I am advancing at a very slow snails pace.
just a few bits and pieces of my life
I'm excited!

Friday, June 14

May through instagram


bits and pieces of my truly went by so quickly. Nothing too exciting, except when I actually get to make things :)

Sunday, June 9

northern nsw






A few photos from my little trip up north to pick up my boy, not a lot of photos were taken but then again not many days were spent there. Northern NSW still knows how to take my breath away...isn't she gorgeous?

northern nsw






A few photos from my little trip up north to pick up my boy, not a lot of photos were taken but then again not many days were spent there. Northern NSW still knows how to take my breath away...isn't she gorgeous?

Wednesday, June 5

Film corner

 photo movies_jun13_zps21e78e06.jpg

It has been a while since I have done a film post, not too much movie watching in these parts unfortunately. Blame it all on uni ;)

This small handful of movies I've seen from April till now...Cinema Paradiso is an oldie but a goodie although some sad bits in it to so make sure you have some kleenex handy. Iron Man 3 hmm, I love Robert Downey Jr and I enjoyed it because of that fact it was ok but definitely not as good as the first. Jack Reacher was brilliant, despite my dislike for Tom Cruise. Side Effects was a bit slow at the start but definitely totally unexpected and interesting story. Snitch, not very good I'm afraid. The English Teacher was interesting at the start but by the end I thought what a waste of time. The First Time I fell in love with the boy in the movie, he is so sweet, a lovely romance. The Guilt Trip was dull, I was expecting hilarious bits in it but sadly there were none.

Wednesday, May 29








I have just finished my first semester for this year and boy does it feel good to finish. There were times I wanted to give up and came so very close to tossing it all in but here I am with all my assignments completed and handed in on time. It feels good, really really good. All I want to do is go outdoors and look at the sun until it warms up my face, feel the super moist and cold grass on my feet, walk around the neighbourhood and pick flowers and dry leaves, and take millions and millions of photos. I have missed being outdoors, I've missed seeing the sun set and watching the colour of the sky change into a perfect blue...the most perfect blue ever.

Today was so wonderful, a bit of adventuring and being outdoors a PERFECT little break from uni, then finishing off with a churros date with the husband. It was bliss! the next few days will also be a wonderful break as I'll be picking up my boy from uni and travelling back down by car. This little break will be the only one I get until I finish in September...not long to go now ;) although I have to say I am loving taking photos of Sydney's amazing architecture. These are just a few, not all of them will be included in my exegesis but are so gorgeous that I couldn't resist photographing.

And now time to pack :)

PS. My internship is doing a giveway over at here to have a look

Friday, May 10

April through instagram


I've been a little silent...but I'm still here
still working hard
reading plenty of books, unfortunately not the kind that you get lost in or the ones I am dying to read :(
getting my feet wet chasing that perfect photo
and worrying...plenty worrying, plenty stressing too
these are just a tad of the photos that I have taken through April
seems like forever ago but it isn't really
things I have been cooking or making or photographing
my days are generally too short for all that I want to do