Although it is nice to think we are good at everything, I know this is impossible. I am really rubbish at a lot of things and these are the ones I can recall, I am sure there are plenty more.
- Acting my age, I am almost 40 people and very rarely act my age.
- Talking on the phone, I hate it and try to avoid it as much as possible
- Public speaking. I cringe just thinking about it and as much as I try to calm myself down I still find my voice quivering and my palms sweating like crazy.
- Avoiding sweets
- Maths. I cannot help my 16 year old doing 3 unit maths, thank goodness Andres is brilliant at it he would surely get an big F with his mum helping him.
- Sports in general. I was always picked last at school.
- Things being messy. I can't work in the middle of chaos, things need to be clean for me to able to concentrate.
- Handling criticism. I admit I have gotten better but it is always so hard to hear criticism and not take it as an attack.
- Vomit. I can't smell it or see it without feeling sick myself.
- Crying when I am angry, why does it happen?
- Writing on a card be it a birthday, engagement, wedding card. It takes me FOREVER
- Adding or subtracting in my head quickly, and the faster I try to go the more confused I get.
- Remembering things from my childhood or for that matter things that happened a year ago.
- Folding a fitted sheet. I try and try but in the end I just end up shoving it together to the same size as the plain sheet.
- Checking clothes before they go in the washing machine. I usually end up with clothes covered in toilet paper.
- Heavy sleeper. When the kids were much younger and they would be unsettled at night I would sleep right through it without even hearing them, even now if asleep I will not hear the rain or the garbage men with their noisy trucks. Luckily Andres is a light sleeper.
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