I finally finished my present for my little sister! although I must say my arms will never be the same again. I'm not too sure I like it though, I just hope she does.

I got the cutest pastel blue tea set at the op shop the other day that I just had to show. The cups are so tiny but I couldn't resist them. Aren't they the cutest?

I bought the new frankie! but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. After dinner I usually watch masterchef & then the special documentary on SBS 'go back to where you came from' (has anyone else seen it?). THEN Ruby comes into my room (before her bedtime) and gives me a note from school. It seems there is an outbreak of nits. I checked both Alec & Ruby and they were full of them. So I shall be spending my day tomorrow getting rid of them and washing all their clothes. How exciting! the funny thing with nits is whenever someone mentions them my head starts to itch. I think I am going to need a dose of the special shampoo too. Ah the joys of motherhood!
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