Finally Friday, YES! although that does also mean only next week left before going back to uni :(

This week has been so wet in Sydney and I haven't been able to plant my little tomatoes but I do have my hyacinth, avocado & rosemary on the kitchen window sill. Sorry about the dust on the flyscreen, I definitely have to clean that soon :/

My week via my moleskine

Daughter's toy, they are cute

I was hoping to take the photos for
Rhianne's photoswap but it will be too wet :(

A bunch of avantcards I have, one reason I am looking forward to going back to uni, my stock is running short ;)
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A special thank you to all of you who messaged me before my interview yesterday. I never truly know how I go at these things so I am sorry I cannot say anything just yet. I will mention though that I did feel awful during the interview, they always ask you what you have done, where you have worked previously, what you know how to do and there was the briefest moment I felt like I was being a bit braggy. I don't know, I am not good at giving my good points or qualities, so while I was it felt to me that I was being boastful and I truly hope that I didn't appear to be that way :(
I also wanted to explain my previous post, the reason behind it and why it was so long. I often feel like I am hiding my true self on this blog, maybe out of fear or because I would shock a few readers...I don't know. But I do want to be a little more of myself and if it isn't pleasing to some readers I apologise, I can't be anyone else but me (unfortunately).
Some shocking things you should know about me:
[+] i am not the perfect mother, wife or daughter. There are times I get angry & raise my voice, don't do my bed for a couple of days, get lazy & can't for the life of me rack up the energy to cook a proper meal and spend way too much time on my computer or watching movies than doing homework
[+] i can be quite a perfectionist and get on people's nerves and in fact in my old work I would get in earlier just to clean my desk and my superior would say "ocd Katyha?" I just like things done properly, my fridge has to be arranged and so do my cupboards. I need to see what I have otherwise I would be buying and buying the same things, if this is too perfectionist or ocd then I guess I am
[+] i cannot for the life of me write in my diary with a pen, I prefer pencil (I don't want to wreck it). When I was in high school if I thought my pages looked too messy I would rip the page out and start all over again
[+] andres & I really have not much in common except for our beliefs...religious, cultural & how to raise our children. I love being in the garden and to have a little farm with chooks & a vegetable garden would be the ultimate for me, he hates anything to do with farms & gardens, he hates computers and I love them, after he punishes the kids he will sit and talk to them for what seems hours, I am quite the opposite, he is extremely messy & unorganised and I am like I have mentioned before very organised
[+] i like to answer every comment I receive personally via email, I feel awfully rude if I don't. My emails are often quite long and chatty too
[+] i am very much like Anne (Anne of Green Gables) searching for a kindred spirit. I do like to keep in touch & get a little more personal