my last week at home...how sad, it just went so quickly and there were so many things I wanted to do and had planned, but plans always change as I am sure everyone knows.
the above pictures are from a little trip to the flea market held at the drive-in & these were my finds. the most expensive item was the little house at $3, the plate was 50c and the dictionary $1...pretty awesome finds :)

later in the week I went out to take photos at my favourite location. I love going there as there are some amazing old houses. I could walk around for hours just looking at them all.

and I had mail arrive from Portugal from Ana...she actually sent me three nougat but I ate one and Andres the other, everything was so pretty :)

I have also been in the garden getting rid of the weeds between the pavers (which I cannot stand), it grew so quickly from the week of rain and I was almost done before being rained away. It has been a pretty quiet week really :)
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