I got up extremely late today, I think it has been my only real sleep-in for my holiday break so far, although I do have the most perfect excuse, if that is even at all necessary for sleeping-in. Our neighbours recently sold their house and the new owners decided to move in at 5:30am! although they weren't overly noisy they did wake me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. When I started feeling sleepy again the kids were getting up to get ready for school. I was exhausted all day yesterday and couldn't get into doing anything around the house. But today I am full of energy and feel very talkative too and even though I have loads to do (4 kids remember and oh did I mention a very messy husband too? I love them all dearly but boy are they messy) I had to write a few things down.
I have so much to say but I am having a hard time remembering it all. Just like when I go to the shops to buy something specific and end up coming back with things that were needed but not exactly what I was looking for at the time. Like today for instance I went to the shops specifically to buy BAM foam to clean the shower and I came home with pyjamas for first son and second son. They had sold out of the BAM :(
But I digress...I applied for a job Monday morning very close to home and today while still in bed (and finishing watching a movie too) I get a call for an interview. I am usually quite nervous but somehow feel very relaxed with this one. It will only be part-time work but it is in graphic design. It would be lovely to work in something that is related to what I am actually studying. It would be lovely, amazing actually but whatever happens, happens.
Life certainly has been tough this year. I don't think I have mentioned this here before but while I was working full-time at Big W in a helpdesk we were renting out my parents old home and they purchased a new one. Well, things got tight with only dad working so he sold this one to us. I then left that job because of the stress I felt - I was the only one working hard there everyone else was so young and although I don't want to sound rude or disrespectful they really didn't care much and why should they, they didn't have a new home they had just purchased, they didn't have responsibilities of taking care and feeding children so most days I felt like I was doing most of the work while they were slacking off. I did speak to my boss about it (who also happened to be younger than me) but she told me there was nothing she could do. She really needed me there answering the phones and dealing with clients efficiently as it raised her SLA's. I talked to her several times but nothing improved so I quit and went to work at a meat packing place, a big mistake but I needed to get out before I went crazy. They ended up firing me after three months and I was relieved as that job was heading nowhere but it also gave me a chance to think about my future. My background was in IT, I studied Network engineering and was the only female to do so and with distinctions (and 4 kids too! I had a teacher who felt it wasn't a 'woman' role, a story for another time perhaps) and although I loved it and still do, it was not in my future, not if I wanted to be a part of my children's lives and have weekends free. That is when I decided to go back to uni. I am loving it although I do feel very much alone in it all, I haven't got any friends there (I think I am the oldest one there :/ ) and sometimes I just need to bounce ideas off people but most of the time it is just me bouncing ideas off ME. I would really love to have a friend to chat to but I am not too sure I believe too much in friendship anymore. Most people are fairly young and I don't know if it is this generation x and y thing but we have different values and I find it hard to form solid friendships with anyone now. Digressing again. So it has been Andres working on his own supporting me and the four children and things have been tight. We find we are paying the same amount in our mortgage being on a flexible rate now (it was fixed but after three years it changed). My dad who purchased a house for $450k is paying less than what we are (we bought this for $300k). We have no equity but he does and we are not at all happy with the NAB (do not get a loan with them). So it would be nice to get a full-time job to be able to change banks but until I have a job we can't. We are paying $1,469 a fortnight while my dad pays about $1,200. Over a month this is a big difference. I started making plans I soon as I heard I had an interview (my brain is always two steps ahead) but Andres said we couldn't change banks if I was only working part-time. Boo! hiss, all my plans went out the window. He is now doing a job in the city for my uncle and leaves here at 5am and is back at around 6pm or later because of traffic and still hasn't been paid. It has been four weeks this Monday and although they have talked about money I told him not to hold his breath...family working together or in business is never good.
What else did I have to say? uni starts in two weeks :(
oh and I haven't heard from my oldest sister for more than a month, I can't remember the last time we spoke. Mum and she had a disagreement although it was all my doing really. Youngest sister told me she didn't want to talk to her because she is always talking about mum, I told oldest sister and she was upset because according to her it isn't true. Mum and she spoke and things weren't left on a happy note at all. Her husband always tries to cause problems between us (mum, dad, younger brother, younger sister and my family) and her. He gets jealous of her spending time with us. I don't like to talk too much about it because after all it is the man she loves but he got his way I guess. It is sad really.
Anyway I have to go clean the shower, my most hated chore ever! bleurgh
I will probably remember the rest of what I had to say later *sigh*
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